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59th Reunion Summary Registered Counts

   Submission (Classmates & Widows) count is: 180
Registration Count as of Monday, Oct 1, 2018
Clasmates & Spouses / Sweeties & Widows Total of: 341
Composed of:  
Classmates: Classmate count is: 171
Spouses / Sweeties: Spouse count is: 134
Widows: Widow count is: 9
Other attendee count: Other count is: 27
Religious Event Counts as of Monday, Oct 1, 2018
Memorial Service Memorial Service count is: 205
Catholic Service Catholic Service count is: 68
Protestant Service Protestant Service count is: 102
Event Counts (pay fee) as of Monday, Oct 1, 2018
Farewell Brunch Farewell Brunch count is: 211
Tailgate Tailgate count is: 314
Trolley Tour Trolley Tour count is: 145
Event Counts (separate fee or no fee) as of Monday, Oct 1, 2018
Company Party Company Party count is: 243
Fun Walk Fun Walk count is: 36
Golf Golf count is: 15
Tennis Tennis count is: 5
Leadership Briefing Leadership Brief count is: 176
Virtual Tour Virtual Tour count is: 153
Data Manager / Web Information as of Monday, Oct 1, 2018 Sat, 11/3/18 11:06
On-Line count is: 110
Mail-in count is: 69
Walk-in count is: 1
Total Entries count is: 180



iPhone Version

Registration Count (with other attendees) as of Monday, Oct 1, 2018
Total Classmates & Spouses / Sweeties & Widows & Other Attendees is: 341
Composed of:
Classmate count is: 171
Spouse count is: 134
Widow count is: 9
Other attendee count: 27
Religious Event Counts as of Mon, 10/01/18 10:12 Sat, 11/3/18 11:06
Memorial Service count is: 205
Catholic Service count is: 68
Protestant Service count is: 102
Event Counts (pay fee) as of Mon, 10/01/18 10:12 Sat, 11/3/18 11:06
Brunch count is: 211
Tailgate count is: 314
Trolley Tour count is: 145
Event Counts (separate fee or free events) as of Mon, 10/01/18 10:12 Sat, 11/3/18 11:06
Company Party count is: 243
Golf count is: 15
Tennis count is: 5
Leadership Brief count is: 176
Virtual Tour count is: 153
Data Manager / Web Information as of Mon, 10/01/18 10:12 Sat, 11/3/18 11:06
On-Line count is: 110
Mail-in count is: 69
Walk-in count is: 1
Total Entries count is: 180


Text Version - cannot do with SMS

Registration Count as of Mon, 10/01/18
Total Classmates & Spouses/Sweeties & Widows is: 314
Composed of: Classmate count is: 171 Spouse count is: 134 Widow count is: 9  
Memorial Service count is: 205
Catholic Service count is: 68
Protestant Service count is: 102
Farewell Brunch count is: 211
Tailgate N* count is: 314
Trolley Tour count is: 145
Company Party count is: 243
Fun Walk count is: 36
Golf count is: 15
Tennis count is: 5
Leadership Brief count is: 176
Virtual Tour count is: 153



Text Version - very short version

Register as of Mon, 10/01/18 10:12 11/3/18
Total - C/S/W: 314
Mem: 205
CS: 68
PS: 102
Brunch: 211
TailG: 314
TT tour: 145
coParty: 243
Golf: 15
FunWalk: 36
Tennis: 5

USNA Class of 1959 Classmates/Spouses/Widows Count for the 59th Reunion
Registration Count as of Mon, 10/01/18

Classmate count is: 171 || Widow count is: 9 || Spouse count is: 134
Total of: 314 (classmates/spouses/widows)

Total Online Submissions: 110  Total Mail-in Submissions : 69
Total registrant documents: 180

Counted a different way
Accompanied Classmate count: 171
Unaccompanied Classmate count: 0
Spouse/other Sweetie count: 134
Widow count: 9
Total of: 314 (classmates/spouses/widows)

Total registrant document count: 180