'Class of '59 Memorial | Committal | Funeral
This page houses recent Memorial | Committal | Funeral Announcements. Includes, date posted, date of service, address of service and contact person. The most recent scheduled are shown first. Committal Services that have already occurred are greyed out on the archive page.
Memorial | Committal | Funeral Information
Date Posted | Source |
Classmate or spouse |
Timothy Woodbury
USNA-AA Memorials
Vernon Charles BLOCH , 84, passed away peacefully on October 8th, 2021. Vern was born September 5, 1937, Class of 1959 graduate and member of the 13th Company. In Annapolis, he met his soul mate, Helen, and they were married 62 years.
Vern is survived by his beloved
wife Helen; three children (son Jeff and wife Dayna Bloch, daughter Laurie Watson, son Greg and wife Kim Bloch), two grandchildren (Thomas Stearns, Katie Bloch), one great grandchild (Emma Beavers), and one brother (Bob and his wife Christine Bloch).
A public viewing will be held on Friday, October 22 at 1pm
Riviera United Church of Christ
451 Riviera Dr. NE
Palm Bay FL
followed by a memorial service at 2pm.
Vern will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery on a future date.
In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to the Salvation Army or the Brevard County Orchid Society.
Reference Vern's obituary.
Timothy Woodbury
USNA-AA Memorials
Donald SHELTON, 85, passed away on Tuesday, May 26, 2020. Donald was born on June 20th, 1934 in Salado, Texas. He attended the United States Naval Academy, graduating as a distinguished graduate in 1959. Prior to the Naval Academy, he served in submarines as an enlisted quartermaster for four years.
He is survived by two sons, Justin Scott Shelton, and Christopher V. Shelton.
Donald chose to be cremated and his ashes inurned at Arlington National Cemetery. A memorial service is scheduled at the Trinity Presbyterian Church of Palm Coast on 20 June 2020.
His inurnment at Arlington National Cemetery is scheduled for Wednesday, April 6, 2022
at 11:00AM.
39 Old Kings Road N
Palm Coast, FL 32137
Reference Don's obituary.
Tom Lukish
Classmate 2th Co
Larry C. PIZINGER , 84,
died on 10/9/2021.
The following is from Tom Lukish: I received a phone call from Larry Pizinger's daughter, Karen. She called to tell me that my roommate of 4 years, Larry Pizinger passed away at 2:15 pm, yesterday October 9, 2021. "Piz" has been in ailing health for the past several years and itt finally took him from us. Piz had a serious fall about 2 weeks ago which caused serious brain damage and he was placed under Hospice Care. He passed away with his 2 daughters and son by his side. Piz lived in Phoenix,AZ. He will be cremated and will be inurned in the Veterans Cemetery in Phoenix, with his wife Sue who passed away 2 years ago.
Larry’s funeral service, with Military Honors, has been scheduled to be held at the National Veterans Cemetery, Phoenix, Arizona on December 3, 2021 at 12:30PM MT. .
Update the website Service notification as required |
Pete Stout (Data Administrator - c: 703-201-2466 ) and Elaine Stout (web architect -- eSSSdesign@gmail.com) Reference the Process (pdf) for Notification and Posting of classmate or spouse death.
Memorial Affairs Director |
Anthony C. Whalen, CFSP
Memorial Affairs Director
United States Naval Academy
101 Cooper Road Annapolis, MD 21402
FAX 410-293-4809
memorialaffairs-group@usna.edu |
Death Notifications |
Timothy Elizabeth Woodbury,
U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association
Memorial Affairs
410-541-6506 || 410-295-4064 obits@usna.com
Shipmate contact: https://www.usna.com/memorial-affairs/report-the-death-of-an-alumnus
Please email the current Data Administrator, Pete Stout, if you have any questions or corrections.