USNA 1959 Home Page
59th Reunion Gouge Version 6

Please contact Gary Smith if questions about the Gouge.

'59th Reunion GOUGE Version 6


THE GOUGE (Version 6)

Information for the 59th Reunion of USNA Class of 1959.  The 59th Reunion, October 4-7, 2018 will have Cafeteria pricing.  This means that you will have the opportunity to sign up for specific events (NAVY/AF Away Game Buffet, USNA Club Brunch, and Trolley Tour) that you would like to attend.  You will only pay for these events plus you will be required to pay the registration fee which includes overhead items like transportation, favors, name tags, etc.  You need to select those events you wish to participate in on the Registration form, include the number of people in your party that will attend this event, multiply that number by the unit cost listed.  Then total the dollars associated with the events, include the registration fee and enter that number on the form.  The registration fee for classmates and first guest (spouse,etc.) is $95 per person.  The registration fee for widows and each additional guest is $59 per person.  This does not include the cost of your hotel or the Company/Battalion Party.

The following is a compilation of as much information as the Reunion Committee thinks you will need to make your 59th Reunion Weekend in Annapolis as enjoyable as possible.  If you have any questions not addressed in this gouge, contact the appropriate member of the Reunion Committee (see for listing).

Registration Instructions – General.  The deadline for registering for the Reunion with your payment is
1 August 2018. Since registration arriving late will complicate planning by the Reunion Committee (such as providing person counts and commitments to vendors, ordering reunion materials, including name tag preparation, etc.), you are urged to register as soon as possible, but not later than 1 August 2018.  As previously noted, the reunion will be cafeteria style.  Name tags will reflect admission codes for optional events, i.e., Trolley Tours, N* Room Buffet, and the Sunday Brunch.

The Class Webmaster will update a list of registrants weekly on the Class Website at  It is important to fill out the registration form completely so that the Reunion Committee can maintain an accurate database. 

Registration may be accomplished either on-line (credit card only) or by regular mail (check only).  On-line registration is the preferred option. 

To register by Regular Mail:

You must pay by check.  Make check payable to “USNA AA Class of 1959 Reunion”
Please be sure to include your e-mail address (if you have one) on the registration form, clearly printed.  This will facilitate communications from the Reunion Committee if needed.

Mail your registration form and check to:
USNA AA Class of 1959 Reunion
PO Box 79136
Baltimore, MD 21279-0136

To Register On-line:

Please go to the USNA Alumni Association website at  Once there, SIGN IN to your account. If you do not have an account in the Online Community, then please follow the prompts on the sign in page to set one up.  If you are not sure, then contact and they will be happy to check for you.

If you have an account but don’t remember your user name and/or password and have the same email address as when the account was set up, you can submit a request online to retrieve your user name or password.

If your email address has changed since the account was set up, PLEASE DO NOT SET UP ANOTHER ACCOUNT.  Instead, please email for user name and password look up.

Once signed in, click on MY ACCOUNT in the bottom right hand corner of the page.  Click on UPDATE YOUR PROFILE to update your contact information.  Please remember to update your email address so that your class officers can continue to communicate with you.

To access the reunion registration link, please click on the FIND MY CLASS link under STAY CONNECTED (there is also a “Classes” link in the bottom right hand corner).  Select 1959 from the drop down menu.  Once on your class page, click on the EVENTS tab and you will see the link to our reunion registration.


The class has arranged for blocks of rooms to be reserved at three hotels; the Hilton Garden Inn, the Courtyard at Marriott and the Residence Inn by Marriott.  The Hilton and Courtyard are next to each other and the Residence Inn is ½ block away and is in walking distance.  Parking is outside and free.  The rooms are all non-smoking.

1. The Hilton Garden Inn, 305 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Annapolis, MD 21401.

The 65 block of rooms has been booked as of November 2017.  However, you may be able to get on a waiting list.  To reserve rooms: Website, or telephone 410-266-9006.  Mention “the Naval Academy Class of 1959 Reunion”.  The lobby has a full bar and full meal service.  Front desk 410-266-9006. 

2. Courtyard by Marriott, 2559 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401-7401

60 rooms have been blocked for the nights of Thursday 4 October, Friday 5 October and Saturday 6 October.  Room rates per night $169, plus applicable taxes.  To reserve rooms, call Marriott Reservations at 1-800-321-2211 or 410-266-1555 and identify as part of the USNA 59 Reunion Block Oct 2018 group staying at the Courtyard Annapolis.  The lobby has a full bar and light meals are available.  Front desk 410-266-1555.

3. Residence Inn Annapolis, 170 Admiral Cochrane Drive, Annapolis, MD 21401

20 rooms have been blocked for the nights of Thursday 4 October, Friday 5 October and Saturday 6 October.  Room rates per night $199, plus applicable taxes.  The Residence Inn rooms are full suites with full kitchens.  To reserve rooms, call Marriott Reservations at 1-800-321-2211 or 410-573-0300 and identify as part of the USNA 59 Reunion Block Oct 2018 group staying at the Residence Inn Annapolis.  There is no bar, but a free light breakfast is included.  Front desk 410-573-0300.

At least monthly, an update on room availability is posted at:  (Please note that upper and lower case are necessary as shown.)

Check-in.  Official check-in for the weekend is accomplished in the lobby of the Hilton Garden Inn.  After 12:00 pm on Saturday all registration packets will be shifted to the Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium N* Room where they will be available for late arrivals until 4:00pm.

At check-in each registered classmate will receive a packet containing:

  • Name tag for each registered person.  These name tags must be worn to all reunion events to both identify the wearer as a registered class member or his spouse/accompanied guest and to facilitate recognition during the reunion.  The name tag will also permit access to the Mid Store.
  • Reunion program with finalized reunion and transportation schedules.
  • Favors.

Check-in hours are:
Thursday, 4 October         3:30pm - 6:00pm   Hilton Garden Inn
Friday, 5 October               9:00am - 6:00pm   Hilton Garden Inn
Saturday, 6 October         9:00am - 12:00pm            Hilton Garden Inn
1:00pm – 4:00 pm N*Room

Classmates who arrive not having registered by the 1 August deadline will be required to pay with check or cash before they will be officially registered and checked-in.

Transportation.  Bus transportation will be available Friday through Sunday. Bus transportation is provided between the three reunion hotels and the Yard (Gate 1) for all scheduled class events except company parties.  No interim stops will be made. The buses will be clearly marked with “Class of ‘59” on the front and side.  Mini buses will provide transportation within the Yard.  We will also provide bus services to religious services happening at USNA chapels throughout the weekend.  A detailed bus schedule will be included in your check-in packet.

Security Measures/Yard Access.  Security procedures have been significantly enhanced.  Patience and understanding are encouraged regarding access and parking in the Yard.

Pedestrian access to the Yard requires a valid photo ID at all times.  Suggest you carry a photo ID at all times when you are away from your hotel.  The reunion name tag by itself will not allow entry into the Yard.  However, suggest you wear the reunion name tag at all times whenever you are attending a function or going into the Yard.  The reunion name tag IS REQUIRED for access into the Mid Store.  For persons under 16 years, no photo ID is required, although they will need to be accompanied by an adult. 

ONLY vehicles driven by active duty military, retired military with a valid ID, or with valid handicapped decals/stickers will be permitted to drive onto the Yard.  A photo ID is required for the driver and all passengers.  Parking within the Yard is very limited, especially during normal working hours.  There are several parking spaces designated for handicapped persons in front of Alumni Hall and on the side of the museum. 
Reunion attendees are encouraged to use the buses provided at the reunion hotels for travel to and from the Yard.  The bus schedules are designed to transport you to and from the scheduled reunion events.  This bus service will assist you to have a pleasant memorable and worry-free experience during the reunion weekend.

PLEASE NOTE that people with driver’s license from Minnesota and Missouri are required to have additional identification such as a passport.  For a list of acceptable forms of additional identification, go to the USNA website, and click on “VISIT”.  Also note that additional yard information, including ACCESS PROGRAMS at the Visitors Center is found at .

Memorial Service.  The Memorial Service will be from 10:30 am – 11:30 am on Friday, 5 October at the Naval Academy Chapel.  Buses will start running at 9:00 am from the reunion hotels.

Trolley Tours.  Historic Trolley Tours of Annapolis will be offered during our Reunion Weekend.  The tour lasts about an hour, and will be offered on Thursday at 3:30pm, Friday at 1:30 and 3:30pm and Saturday at 10:00am and 11:30 am. When registering, specify the number of attendees and your desired tour times in order of preference (#1, #2, #3).  Assignment of tour times will be by lottery.   Pick-up and drop-off will be at the Hilton Garden Inn.  The cost of the tour is $16 per person.  Please note that this event will be non-refundable.

USNA Leadership Briefing and Alumni Association Welcome.  USNA and AA will provide the class with a USNA update at a location to be determined.

USNA Virtual Tour.  Join us for a digital presentation of contemporary USNA architecture, memorials, and exhibits as well as other significant things happening around the Yard!

Company Parties.  Friday evening has been set aside for company parties.  Company Representatives are responsible for organizing their respective company’s party and for collecting and paying the bill.  Some companies will have parties at the homes of local classmates; other companies will make arrangements for private party rooms at local restaurants or hotels.  Jim Wilson ( will be coordinating this event with the Company Representatives.  For transportation assistance, Company Representatives should contact Walt Szczypinski (

Fun Walk.  John Butterfield is coordinating a Fun Walk on Saturday from 8:00am-9:00am, departing from the Hilton Garden Inn on a local route.

Golf.  The Class of ‘59 golf tee times will start at 9:45 am on Saturday at the USNA Golf Course.  Please be on the course by 9:00 am.  For golfers who are not driving, a bus will pick up players at the three reunion hotels and return them after the round.  (See bus schedule).  Norm Bednarek is coordinating this event.

Tennis.  A tennis outing is planned for Saturday morning.  Ray Art is coordinating this event.

NAVY vs AIR FORCE Away Football Game N* Buffet.  Doors to the N* Room in Navy-Marine Corps Memorial Stadium will open at 1:00pm on Saturday. The N* buffet, catered by Bo Brooks, will be held from 2:00pm until the end of half time (approximately 5:30pm).  This all-you-can-eat buffet will include beer, wine, sodas, bottled water, coffee and hot tea.  The away football game will start at 3:30pm and can be viewed on multiple TVs throughout the N* Room.  Beer, wine and snacks will be provided during the second half until near the end of the 4th Quarter.  Admission to the Buffet requires the properly annotated code on your name tag.  Shuttle buses will begin running at 12:45 pm between the reunion hotels and the stadium N* Room.  Shuttle buses will begin to shuttle back to the reunion hotels at 1:30pm and will continue until one hour after the game ends. You are encouraged to park at one of the reunion hotels and use the Class of ‘59 shuttle buses as the Annapolis Sailboat Show will increase the cost of parking at the stadium.

Sunday Brunch.  A Farewell Brunch will be served Sunday from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm at the Naval Academy Club.  Admission to the Brunch requires the properly annotated code on your name tag.

Emergency Medical.  The telephone number to call in the event of a medical emergency at USNA is 410-293-3333.

Contact Dolf Lekebusch




Class of 1959 59th Reunion

October 4-7, 2018
Thursday 4 October     
0730-1600   Midshipmen Store Hours
0900-1700   Visitor Center Hours
0900-1700   Museum Hours
1200-1215   Noon Meal Formation
1530-1800   Registration/Reunion Check-In at Hilton Garden Inn
1530-1630   Trolley Tour of Historic Annapolis

Friday 5 October     
0730-1600   Midshipmen Store Hours
0900-1700   Visitor Center Hours
0900-1700   Museum Hours
0900-1800   Registration/Reunion Check-In at Hilton Garden Inn
1030-1130   Memorial Service Main Chapel
1200-1215   Noon Meal Formation
1330-1430   Trolley Tour
1350-1500   USNA Leadership Briefing and Alumni Association Welcome, Location TBD
1500-1600   USNA Virtual Tour, Location TBD
1530-1630   Trolley Tour
1700-2300   Company Parties (Check with Company Rep for details)           
1915-2030   Jewish Service in Levy Center

Saturday 6 October  
0730-1200   Midshipmen Store Hours
0800-0900   Fun Walk Departing the Hilton Garden Inn
0900-1330   Golf USNA Course/Tennis USNA Courts
0900-1200   Registration/Reunion Check-In at Hilton Garden Inn
0900-1700   Museum Hours
0900-1700   Visitor Center Hours
1000-1100   Trolley Tour
1130-1230   Trolley Tour
1300-1600   Registration/Reunion Check-in at N Star Room NMCMS
1300-1930   Navy VS Air Force Away Football Game Buffet, N Star Banquet Room NMCMS

Sunday 7 October   
0900-1700   USNA Visitor Center Hours
0900-1000   Catholic Service (Main Chapel)
1000-1430   Farewell Brunch at the Naval Academy Club
1100-1700   Museum Hours
1100-1215   Protestant Service (Main Chapel)

Headquarter Hotel: Hilton Garden Inn


THe Gouge Version pdf at USNA59 59th Reunion The Gouge.