Those 1959 Classmates who retired from the US Air Force, US Army, US Marines, US Navy and the US Public Health Service can be loaded from this page. Overall over 400 of the 796 graduates and several non-grads military retired, either as Active or Reserve. Simply click one of the colored blocks below and, voilĂ - retired classmate's full name, service, rank, commission, company and Lucky Bag page number is shown.
Table 1: Select by Service as of Tuesday, August 9, 2022 |
Table 2: Retired Active or Retired Reserve Officer as of Tuesday, August 9, 2022 |
Table 3: Select by Rank as of Tuesday, August 9, 2022 |
Table 4: All Military Retired '59ers (sort: last name) as of Tuesday, August 9, 2022 |
Table 5: Retired Military Retired '59ers by Company as of Tuesday, August 9, 2022 |
The above tables generate all known classmates, living or deceased, graduate or non-grad: Table1: by Service; Table2: by retired Active or retired Reserve Officer; Table 3: by last military Rank; Table 4: All military Retired '59ers sorted by Last Name. Table 5 details retirees by Company. Simply click selection desired (e.g., for Table 3 - CDR/LtCOL) |