65th Reunion Tentative Schedule -updated 4/3/2024
Class of 1959 65th Reunion October 3-6, 2024 Program Thursday 3
October 1200 Buses
depart Crowne Plaza to Midshipmen’s Store for early arrivals 1330 Buses
depart Midshipmen’s Store for Crowne Plaza 1400 Buses
depart Crowne Plaza to Midshipmen’s Store for early arrivals 1530 Buses
depart Midshipmen’s Store for Crowne Plaza 1400-1800 Registration/Check-in at the Crowne Plaza Hotel/Calvert Room 1700-2000 Welcome
Cocktail Reception at the Crowne Plaza Hotel/ Queen Anne Ballroom Friday 4 October 0730-0830 Fun Walk from the Crowne Plaza Hotel 0800-1000 Registration/Check-in at the Hotel/Calvert Room 0930-1000 Multiple Buses depart Hotel to USNA Chapel 1100-1200 Memorial Service at USNA Chapel 1200 Bus
departs USNA Chapel to Navy Club 1200 Bus
departs USNA Chapel to Hotel for those not attending Navy Club 1230-1330 Light
Refreshments at the Navy Club 1300-1330 Alumni Association Welcome at the Navy Club 1330-1400 Superintendent Brief at the Navy Club 1400-1430 Athletic Association Brief at the Navy Club 1430 Bus
available to go from Navy Club to Hotel 1430 Bus
available to go from Navy Club to Midshipmen’s Store 1430-1700 Personal time for shopping at Midshipmen’s Store or other 1600 Last
Bus for those returning from Midshipmen’s Store to Hotel 1500-1700 Registration/Check-in at the Hotel/Calvert Room 1700-1830 Cocktail Social Hour
in Crowne Plaza Ballroom A 1830-2200 Company/Battalion Dinner Banquet in Crowne
Plaza Ballroom Saturday 5
October 0800 Buses
depart Hotel for Tour of the Alumni Center and the Yard 0815-0900 Tour of Alumni Center – Fluegel
Hall 0900-1000 Visit the Terwilliger
Center 1000 Buses
return from Tour of the Yard to Hotel 1245 Buses
begin to depart Hotel to N-Star Room, NMCM Stadium 1300-1500 Registration/Check-in at the N-Star Room, NMCM Stadium 1300-2000 Navy/Air Force Football Watch Party in the
N-Star Room, NMCMS 1400-1700 Buffet Banquet in
the N-Star Room, NMCMS 1800 Buses
begin to depart NMCM Stadium to Hotel Sunday 6 October 0830 Bus
departs Hotel to the Chapel and King Hall for Farewell Brunch 0900-1000 Catholic Service in the Chapel 0900-1200 Farewell Brunch in
King Hall 1000 Bus
from Chapel to King Hall for Farewell Brunch and to Hotel 1030 Bus from Hotel to the Chapel and to
King Hall for Farewell Brunch 1100-1200 Protestant Service in the Chapel 1200 Bus
from Chapel to King Hall to Hotel (Those attending
the Catholic Service can go to the 1100 Brunch if desired. Those attending
the Protestant Service can go to the 0900 Brunch if desired. Those not
attending Services can go to either Brunch if desired.) Program Schedule (pdf version) here. |